Establishing New Roots: New Leader Brazil

In 2018, New Leader Manufacturing took its operations internationally by expanding to South America. New Leader Brazil—or New Leader Comércio de Equipamentos Agrícolas e Serviços Limitada—is a 56,000-square-foot manufacturing facility and parts warehouse.

An extension of New Leader’s stateside operations, New Leader Brazil manufactures not only the same patented designs as the U.S, but also produces units particular to Brazil. The added location helps NLM better meet the needs of farmers and increases global access to the quality level of service that NLM is known for.

Brazil: The Land of Agricultural Opportunity

As a leading producer and exporter of many crops—especially soybeans—Brazil provides considerable agricultural opportunities outside of the U.S. For instance, Brazil’s warm, winterless climate allows for crop schedules to vary at all times of the year, meaning farming equipment needs exist year-round and are in higher demand.

Those are a few reasons of many, why NLM chose Brazil as their first international location. In addition to being a major emerging market in the Production Agriculture Industry, Brazil has a reputation Worldwide for production and expertise in farming.

Increased Need for Precision Spreaders in South America

Despite being a leading player in agriculture today, Brazilian soils have had to come a long way. Many parts of Brazil naturally have very acidic soil due to rainwater.

The application of fertilizers, agricultural limestone, and other sustainable solutions has helped renew the soils in Brazil—but as with all chemicals, dosing and applications must be accurate and precise.

In fact, the first product manufactured by New Leader Brazil was a pull-type spinner spreader especially designed for the Brazilian market. This high-performance fertilizer and limestone spreader gives operators the ability to apply fertilizer precisely and efficiently.

Opportunity Goes Both Ways

While the Brazilian market provides business opportunities for NLM, the expansion benefits employees of both locations as well. NLM has a very extensive training process for all employees. Team members from both Iowa and Brazil are frequently flown back and forth to collaborate with one another and experience new environments and perspectives.

When departing the Cedar Rapids location, Brazilian team members are sent off in style with an NLM-type celebration—which typically includes delicious catered food, fun and friendly conversations, and an abundance of contagious smiles around the room.

What’s Next?

Brazil is the latest of many exciting endeavors on the horizon for NLM.